Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Core Stage II - Static Movement

 The next two exercises are examples of learning to keep the spine in a state of neutral, controlled static contraction, whilst moving other parts of the body.
Lying Leg Lift Stabilisation

    * Lie on your back with your knees bent up, feet flat on the floor
      Ensure your back is in neutral and place your hands on your hips for biofeedback
    * Breathe in and relax
    * Breathe out and, as you do so, perform the abdominal hollowing or zipping-up action
    * Slowly slide your left leg out along the floor until it is straight and then slide it back
    * Keep the lumbar spine in the neutral position as the legs move.
      If your back or pelvis moved, you did not achieve the correct stability

3 Sets; 10 Repetitions per set on each leg.

Progressions: Do the same exercise with knee lifts up and knee drops out to the side.
The Waiter's Bow

    * Stand up with good posture, knees soft, lumbar spine in neutral, head up and shoulders back and relaxed
    * Breathe in and relax
    * Breathe out and as you do so perform the abdominal hollowing action
    * Keeping the tension, slowly lean forward from the hips 20° and pause, like a waiter's bow, keeping your back completely straight.
    * Hold for 10 seconds - check your TA and MF are contracted, supporting the correct position
    * Keeping the tension and the alignment, slowly return to your start position

1 Set; 10 Repetitions.

NB: Be very careful of this exercise if you have previously had lower back injury. You must be vigilant on maintaining core contraction throughout the movement.


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